Profitability indicators (Profitability ratios)
Profitability ratios - financial indicators that characterize the profitability of the company. When using profitability indicators, one should pay attention to the fact that the same term, often referred to as indicators based on the analysis of net profit, and the indicators used in calculating profit before tax.
Profitability of sales (Return on sales, ROS), %
Profitability of sales on net profit = (Net profit / Revenue) * 100%/
The normal value of profitability of sales is determined by industry and other features of the organization's work (recommended values can be in the range of 0-150%).
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Profitability of equity capital (Return on equity, ROE), %
Profitability of equity capital = (Net profit / Equity) * 100%.
According to the average statistical data, the return on equity is approximately 10-12% (in the USA and Great Britain). For inflationary economies, such as the Russian one, the indicator should be higher. The higher the return on equity, the better.
Return on assets (Return on assets, ROA), %
Return on Assets = (Net Income / Assets) * 100%.
The return on assets is highly dependent on the industry in which the enterprise operates.
For capital-intensive industries (such as, for example, rail transport or electric power), this indicator will be lower. For service companies that do not require large capital investments and investments in working capital, the return on assets will be higher (0 ÷ 0,100).
Return on invested capital (ROIC), %
ROIC = NOPLAT / invested capital * 100%
Given the possible assumptions, the ROIC formula is presented as:
NOPLAT / (own capital + borrowed capital) * 100%
Indicators of the value of investments is taken at the average value.
The ROIC indicator is often used as an indicator of the company's ability to generate value added to other companies (benchmarking).
A high (relatively) level of ROIC is seen as evidence of the company's strength and strong management.
To assess the effectiveness of capital use, you should compare the return on invested capital (ROIC), with its value (WACC).
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