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Planning and accounting of fixed assets and other assets. Practical planning

Asset accounting and asset transactions are an important part of a business plan, and in some projects, assets significantly affect the content of financial statements. In the income statement, these are, first of all, expenses for the maintenance and repair of fixed assets, other operating expenses (income), the result of calculating depreciation, non-operating expenses (income), and deferred tax expenses.

In the statement of cash flows, these are the purchase and sale of fixed assets and other assets, VAT payments and other tax payments as part of investment activities, and other investment costs. In the balance sheet, these are fixed assets, the cost of fixed assets and the results of the revaluation of fixed assets, fixed assets and other assets in equity and additional capital, the creation of reserves for the renewal of fixed assets.

Asset planning is the planning of all operations with assets, which include the receipt of an asset, registration and accounting methods, accounting and tax depreciation, modernization, revaluation, disposal, and so on ...

☛ Please note, there is no need to create a list of all assets for your project. It is important to highlight those assets that have a significant impact on the result, and other assets should be combined into logical groups to simplify the work with data. Up to one hundred assets and groups of assets can be scheduled in the program. This is enough for any business plan project.

Important! An additional conditional future period has been added to all plans. However, only some plans use a long-term calculation horizon, for example, when planning loan and rental products (calculation horizon - up to 10 years) or when planning assets (depreciation period - up to 50 years). At the same time, all calculations outside the standard horizon will be taken into account in the conditional future period. That is, the future period will accumulate all the calculations that will go beyond the 36 months of the project.

Budget-Plan Express is a software product for preparing business plans and presentations in Word and Excel format, optimal for small businesses and studies (for students, graduate students, MBI students, etc.)

Download and try the new version of the program (6.02). Details ...

General planning algorithm

    1. First of all, let's go to the investment plan and enter the form of planning and accounting for assets (line "fixed assets and other assets"). In this form, you must select a depreciation group before adding, deleting, or editing an asset. You can choose from the list one of 10 depreciation groups or choose "non-depreciable assets".

    ☛ Depreciation groups differ from each other by the depreciation period. Non-depreciable assets are those assets that cannot be depreciated - land, building, structures, etc.

    See the table "Depreciation groups". For information on how to set the depreciation coefficients for depreciation groups in the settings, see the help section "General settings. Depreciation".

    2. After the depreciation group has been selected, you can add a new asset (edit menu "add" or F2) and start editing the asset.

    ☛ Assets are edited in 7 tabs, depending on transactions with assets, these are receipts, accounting, depreciation, modernization, revaluation, conservation and disposal. In the last tab “table of residual value” you can see the result of the calculation for this asset.

    3. In the “receipt” tab, you need to select the type of asset (fixed asset, intangible or investment asset) and the method of receipt (purchase, shareholder contribution or other receipts). Also, in the lists, you need to select the periods of receipt and registration, indicate the period of useful and actual use, and also, if necessary, indicate the accompanying income or expenses upon receipt of the asset (with or without VAT).

    4. In the tab "accounting" you need to fill in the asset accounting table - in accounting and tax accounting. The amount of the asset is indicated here, the method of write-off ... it can be not only write-off through depreciation, but for example, write-off to expenses, which can be specified here. You can also clarify VAT and additional transport other costs. Under the tables, you can select the "property tax" checkbox, in which case this tax will be applied to the asset.

    5. In the "depreciation" tab you will find two sections - depreciation methods in accounting and tax accounting.

    In accounting, you can choose one of 4 methods (linear, declining balance, cumulative or depreciation calculation - in proportion to the volume of production). You can also adjust the depreciation factor further (by default, the factor is 1).

    In tax accounting, linear or non-linear depreciation is indicated. For non-linear depreciation, you can select the checkbox "use the indicator by group", and in this case, in the edit field, the depreciation rate in percent (from the general settings) is automatically set. Also, for non-linear depreciation, you can apply a special factor.

    You can learn more about depreciation methods in the section "Methodology for accounting for fixed assets and other assets". In the Help, you will find detailed information about depreciation methods (formulas and calculation algorithms), useful lives, amortization periods, etc.

    6. In the "modernization" tab, you must specify the period and cost of the upgrade, as well as the write-off method (through depreciation or costs). Additionally, you can specify a depreciation premium and increase the asset's useful life (in months).

    7. In the "revaluation" tab for each year of the project, you can select the revaluation period, and in the edit field, specify the new cost after revaluation.

    8. In the "conservation" tab from the list, select the start and end periods of conservation.

    9. In the “disposal” tab, first of all, the method of disposal (write-off, sale or other disposal) is indicated, the period of disposal is also indicated. You can select the period of disposal of the asset - by default, that is, the "accounting period". And also, in the edit field, the cost of disposal is indicated, or the checkbox "disposal at residual value" is set. And in addition, you can specify the related income or expenses in the process of disposal of the asset.

    10. Finally, after editing all assets, calculations can be performed. As in the other plans, here you can perform test calculations first or immediately perform the final calculation. Test calculations are performed at the planning stage when the final asset settings have not yet been determined and it is possible to view comparative calculation options.

    11. If you want to perform a test calculation, click the “calculate” button and select the first or second item - “perform a test calculation of one asset” or “perform a test calculation of all assets in this depreciation group”. The result of test calculations is also displayed in the investment plan, and to perform a new test calculation, each time you need to clear the table (the "clear" button).

    12. To perform the final calculation, click the "calculate" button and select the third item - "final calculation of the investment plan table - calculation of all assets". Click OK.

    And now the calculation for each asset can be viewed in the tab “table of residual value”, where there is a calculation table. The table displays the data of accounting, tax accounting, and additionally shows the taxable difference, that is, the basis for calculating future deferred taxes. Here you can also enter a plan-actual deviation - that is, add updated data.

    Detailed results of calculating all assets can be viewed in the "investment plan" table. Here you can see information about accumulated depreciation, the total residual value of all assets, accounting data - about purchases, upgrades, revaluations, and so on.

    Deferred taxes are also presented here, these are deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities. A detailed algorithm for calculating deferred taxes can be found in the section "Methodology for accounting for fixed assets and other assets", there read "Algorithm for calculating deferred taxes" - how they are generated and where they are displayed in financial statements, etc.

    13. Property tax is calculated separately from the calculation of assets. To do this, you just need to select the line "property tax" (click on the line) and click OK. After that, the results of calculating property tax will be displayed in the row.

    ☛ A detailed description of the calculation of property tax can be found in the section "taxes", there see the paragraph "algorithm for calculating property tax".

And finally, after the investment plan is built, when plans for accounting for fixed assets and other assets, investment assets are determined, property tax is calculated ... after that, the entire investment plan can be calculated, and it will be included in the final calculation of the business plan (Data → Calculate, or F9).

☛ Important! The calculation of the financial and investment plan is performed together with other financial plans - with statements of profit and loss, cash flow and balance sheet.

See further in this section for examples of planning and asset accounting.

Preliminary and final calculations

1. Preliminary calculation

For certain categories of assets, the settlement of which significantly affect the financial result of the user it would be important to watch and to perform a preliminary result before he gets into financial reports. A detailed result of a calculation on one asset (for depreciation group), including transactions with the assets, cost structure, depreciation, taxes, etc. – for any project period is reflected in the final table.

Fragment table "accounting of fixed assets and other assets»:

Planning and accounting of fixed assets and other assets

Prior to settlement, remove the old data from the table: the "Clear" button ("reset" value). For preliminary calculation you need to choose: "to Consider current assets" or "read current group", as shown in figure:

Practical planning - preliminary settlement – financial planning in Budget-Plan Express

2. The final calculation of the plan

After the completion of editing all assets, you need to perform the final calculation from the editing form: "Calculate" button → Final settlement". After that, the program will first clear ("zero") the table, and then re-calculate all assets - in all depreciation groups and assets in the unamortized group.

After the calculations of the plan "fixed assets and other assets" and other plans, as part of the "investment plan", you must perform the final calculation of the project: Main menu → Data → Calculate → Balance. Same thing - F9 → Balance. Pay attention, the calculation of the "investment plan" is carried out simultaneously with the calculation of the balance.

Planning and accounting of fixed assets and other assets

Example 1. Methods of calculating depreciation in accounting.

Suppose that the value of the fixed asset is 260,000. The useful life is set at 5 years. We calculate the depreciation using various methods.
  1. step. Select the appropriate depreciation group from the list: "3rd depreciation group".

  2. Choosing Depreciation Groups - Financial Planning in Budget-Plan Express

  3. step. Add a new product: the menu item "Add" or F2.

  4. Planning and accounting of fixed assets and other assets - the method of receipt, the period of receipt, the period of registration

    When adding a new product to the group, some basic parameters take the default values:


    Asset Type:
    Method of admission:
    Period of admission:
    Period of registration:
    Useful life:

    Accounting, Depreciation

    Flag "Property tax":
    Depreciation в Accounting и Tax accounting:

    The past period.
    The first month of the project.
    The maximum period in the group.

    Linear method.

  5. step. In the tab "Accounting" add 260 000 in the "Amount Accounting" (accounting).
    The same amount will be established in the tax accounting:

  6. Accounting for depreciation – financial planning in Budget-Plan Express

    Linear method

    Result of calculation. Linear method. Monthly depreciation amount = 4,333 (in accounting and tax accounting). Since the time scale of the main planning period in the program is 36 months (3 years) and the depreciation period is 60 months (5 years), all calculations after 36 months are summarized in the column "Future period". Fragment of the calculation of recent periods: Linear method - in accounting and tax accounting - planning and analysis in Budget-Plan Express for Windows Pay attention, the depreciation of the last two years is summarized in the "Future period" and is 104 012. The decreasing residue method
  7. step. Since the linear method is the default, perform the calculation, but first delete the previous data in the final table: "Clear → Start period → ОК".
    Calculation: "Calculation → Calculate the current asset → ОК".

  8. Result of calculation. Linear method. Monthly depreciation amount = 4 333 (in accounting and tax accounting). Since the time scale of the main planning period in the program is 36 months (3 years) and the depreciation period is 60 months (5 years), all calculations after 36 months are summarized in the column "Future period".

    Fragment of the calculation of recent periods:

    Linear method - in accounting and tax accounting - planning and analysis in Budget-Plan Express for Windows

    Pay attention, the depreciation of the last two years is summarized in the "Future period" and 104 012.

    Method diminishing balance

  9. step. Choose the method of declining balance (tab "Period"). Perform the calculation, but first delete the previous data in the final table: "Clear → Start period → ОК".
    Calculation: "Calculate → Calculate the current asset → ОК".

  10. Result of calculation. Method declining balance. For the 1st year monthly amortization of = 8 667 (104 004 per year), for 2nd year = 5 200 (62 400 per year), for 3rd year = 3 120 (37 440 for the year). The subsequent period is 2 years – 56 156 (column "Future period").

    As the depreciation method in tax accounting unchanged (linear method), there taxable difference. Taxable difference for a particular asset can be viewed in the tab "table of the residual value":

    Method declining balance – planning and analysis in Budget-Plan Express for Windows

    Cumulative method (the method of writing off of cost on the sum of the numbers of years)

  11. step. We choose the cumulative method (tab "Period"). Perform the calculation, but first delete the previous data in the final table:: "Clear → Start period → ОК".
    Calculation: "Calculate → Calculate the current asset → ОК".

  12. Result of calculation. The method of writing off of cost on the sum of numbers of years. For the 1st year monthly amortization = 7 222 (86,664 for the year), for the second year = 5 778 (69 336 per year), for the 3rd year = 4 333 (51 996 for the year). The subsequent period is 2 years – 52 004 (column "Future period").

    For more details on depreciation methods, see «Accounting Methodology. Depreciation».

Example 2. Deferred tax asset.

Suppose, the cost of equipment is 18,000. VAT is 18%. The useful life is 4 years (48 months). For taxation, depreciation is accrued for four years at 375 rubles. per month (18000 rubles: 4 years: 12 months). In accounting, all 18,000 rubles. are included in the costs.
  1. step. Select the appropriate depreciation group from the list: "3rd depreciation group".

  2. Deferred tax asset - planning and analysis in Budget-Plan Express for Windows

  3. step. Add new product: the menu item "Add" or F2.
  4. step. We will write off the asset in the current period in the accounting, refer it to other costs ,
    as shown in the figure:

  5. Cumulative method (method of writing off the cost by the sum of the years) - Planning and analysis in Budget-Plan Express for Windows

  6. step. Calculate the VAT using the program: we will rise in the corresponding field, press the key Ins (you can enter an arbitrary value of VAT yourself).

  7. step. We will perform the calculation, but first we delete the old data of the final table: "Clear → Start period → ОК".
    Calculation: "Calculate → Calculate the current asset → ОК".

  8. step. We will perform the final calculation of the "investment plan": "Main menu → Data → Calculate". Same - F9. We choose: "Profit and Loss statement", "Cash flow statement" и "Balance sheet" – ОК.

  9. Result of calculation. Deferred tax asset. Since the asset was written off in the first month, there is no information on depreciation in the accounting records. In the lines "Purchase of assets" and "Other operating expenses (income)" in 01.2015 the amount 18 000 . In the line "Deferred taxes: deductible differences" the amount of 375 in all periods starting from 02.2015.

    Profit and Loss statement:

    In the table "Profit and Loss statement" in line [20] "Deferred tax expense" in 01.2015 the amount of 3 600 (18,000 × 20% = 3,600), starting from 02.2015 the amount (-75) (-375 × 20% = -75).

    Balance sheet:

    In the "Balance sheet" table, in line [21] "Deferred taxes" in 01.2015 the amount is 3 600, In the "Balance sheet" table, in line [21] "Deferred taxes"
    in 01.2015 the amount is 3 600,
    in 02.2015 the amount is 3 525 (3 600 - 75 = 3 525),
    in 03.2015 the amount is 3 450 (3 600 - 75 × 2 = 3 450) и т. д.

    The amount of deferred tax assets in the balance sheet will be reduced and fully repaid at the end of the depreciation period in the tax accounting.

Example of acquisition and cancellation of non-depreciable assets

For example, the company acquires a land plot for construction purposes, or prepares it for temporary lease - for a period of 14 months (the period of implementation of the construction stages). Suppose, the cost of the lot is 19,100,365 rubles, and let, under the terms of the contract, payment for the purchased (leased) plot be made within 4 months. At the end of the project implementation stages (after 14 months), the asset must be written off from the company's balance sheet - "for sales" (carry the costs for the result).

Planning by steps.

    1. In the form "Asset planning and accounting", in the group list, select the group of assets "non-depreciable assets" (the last in the list).
    2. Add a new asset from the "Edit" menu (or "F2").
    3. Let's call it, for example, "Registration of property rights to land and construction", and we indicate in the field "the term for writing off" - 4 months, as shown in the figure.

    Planning and accounting for non-depreciable assets. Registration of property rights to land and construction

    4. Save - the "Edit" menu (or "F5"). Starting with version 6.00, save has been replaced by auto-save!
    5. In the "Accounting" tab, we indicate the appropriate amount (19 100 365). In the column "accounting", the value of the "uniform write-off" list (by default) must be set.

    Planning and accounting of non-depreciable assets

    ☛ Note, if the amount is not written off by annuities, the amount can be written off in the "Refined Data Table" tab. There you can specify the tax on land and other taxes and fees.

    6. In the "Disposal of asset" tab, you must (necessarily) specify the asset retirement period (from the list), otherwise the non-depreciable (not losing its value) asset will be reflected in the balance sheet. Edit as shown in the picture:

    Planning and accounting of non-depreciable assets. Acquisition and write-off of non-depreciable assets

    7. Finally, we perform the calculation of the assets – the "Calculate" button.

☛ Please note, the calculations of "financial plan" will be included in the calculation of the project when performing the final calculations – F9 (the calculation of the "Report on cash flow" and "Balance»).

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