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Sales plan. Form elements and planning tools

Calling the form «Sales planning»

Go to the "Sales plan" page, select the product and open form of editing "Sales Planning":

Open the sales plan editing form
Calling the form "table of sales planning" – one click with the left mouse button on the active link (the same F2).

Note that you can call the form only from the active link (underlined line).

Budget-Plan Express is a software product for preparing business plans and presentations in Word and Excel format, optimal for small businesses and studies (for students, graduate students, MBI students, etc.)

Build a financial model of your project, calculate the options for sales plans yourself! Try the new version of the program (6.02). Details ...

Tools for editing "Sales Planning Tables"

Editing tools table of sales planning

After opening the form, the "Sales Planning Table" tab is activated:

1. Title

The header specifies the name of the product to be edited and the name of the tab.

2. Tab

"Inventory of finished goods" and "Sales planning table".

3. Frame

Frames "forecast sales" and "forecast prices", depending on the active option values contain tools for planning: seasonality, fields to reflect annual values, the buttons "copy", "save" and "adjustments" (the choice of the correlating trend).
Elements of a frame are applied only in case of using the planning method "by annual values" and, as a rule, in cyclic models (see the next section "Methods of planning").

4. Slider

Sliders edit values of seasonality (monthly values in percent) during the annual cycle (12 months). When planning sales volumes , the values are set from "0" to "+100". When planning prices , the values are set from "-100" to "+100".

Slider reflects the annual cycles (12 months) seasonality

- this button sets default values for each month: "+100" - when planning sales volumes; "0" - when planning prices.

You can set the values of the slider in 2 ways:

1 way. Grab and move the slider with the mouse.
Method 2: Use the arrow keys. First, activate the slider (click on it with the mouse), then move the mouse cursor over the slider so that a pop-up hint appears (as shown in the picture).

5. Fields

Fields for annual values - 1,2 and 3 years: "annual sales volumes" or "prices for the beginning of the year."
Optional: Applicable only if you use the planning method "by annual values".

6. Options (switches)

"Sales volume" or "Price". Adjusting interface for editing, respectively, of sales volumes or prices.
Optional: only used in the case of using the method of planning the "annual value".

7. Calculation start period

Specify the period from which to start the calculations (previous periods is ignored.)
☛ Note that in "General settings" you can to forbid to edit past period.

8. Built-in table

Table shows the sales data, which were calculated using planning tools, or typed (editable). Detailed information about the built-in tables, see: "Standard interfaces. Built-in table".

To further edit the table, you can use the following tools:

8.1 Context menu edit data:

Insert trend (numerical values) in a row. Context menu of data editing

Call up the menu right click of the active cell is being edited (for non-editable cells menu not available!). Procedure "to continue the trend" and "empty string" run, starting with the active cell (period), until the end of the series.

When you call the menu item "Paste" (Ctrl+V), one of the two functions:

  1. Insert a value (number) from the clipboard (clipboard).
  2. Insert a trend (number series) into a string starting with the selected (active) cell. Of course, this action is only possible if you exported from a named range.

8.2 Construct a line graph:

Construct a line graph. A graph is called from any selected rows

You can call up the "line graph" menu with the right mouse button, but only from the selected row (to select a line, left-click on the name).

8.3 Entering (editing) from the keyboard:

Entering (editing) data

To enter (edit) data, perform one of the following:
  1. Press "Enter"
  2. Double-click.
  3. Entering numbers from the keyboard (the old data is deleted)

Exit after editing:
  1. Press "Enter"
  2. Tab key
  3. Click the mouse - on any element of the form.
  4. The "Esc" key is the exit without saving .

8.4 Entering a formula into a cell:

Entering (editing) data

To call the formula, enter the "=" sign from the keyboard while in the active and accessible cell. To calculate and then enter the result in a cell, the formula uses mathematical operations signs:

  1. = (*) - multiplication;
  2. = (/) - division;
  3. = (+) - summation;
  4. = (-) - subtraction
  5. = (^) - exponentiation.

All the above procedures are designed as standard interfaces for all built-in tables.

9. Calculate button

When you click "Calculate", you are prompted to select one of the options:

    1. Calculate sales plan -by annual values. The result is displayed in the table (in the "built-in" table).
    2. Calculate the sales plan -Interpolation by trends. The result is displayed in the table (in the "built-in" table).
    3. Final calculation. The calculation result is displayed in the table "sales Plan".

10. Clear button

When you click "Clear", the data will be "cleared". There is a choice of one of the options:

    1. Sales planning table.
    2. The plan of the leftovers of finished goods.
    3. Summary tables.

11. Menu - for adjustment of price trends

Menu item "Forecasts":

Name Value
The forecast of the price on the specified interval ... Price forecast - in accordance with the settings of models
Smoothing a number of prices ... Smoothing of a number of prices - in accordance with the settings of models
Save table (1) to save values or
(2) to restore the previous values

Menu item "Trend calculation parameters":

Name Value
Choice of model moving average Type: SMA, WMA or EMA
Smoothing interval 3 - 6
Forecasting interval 1 - 3
Smoothing Constant 0,1 - 1

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