The best software product for preparing business plans in Word and Excel format
Strategic-Line Harmony of planning in your business

Preparation for planning. Setting the "time" scale

For example, a new accounting year has come, and you need to start the project from a new accounting year, that is, change the time scale in all plans. To do this, you need to do the following:

    1. First, in the general settings, specify a new accounting period (the year from which your project will start).

    2. Then in the tab of the main menu "data" press the button "new accounting period". All.

    After that, in all plans of your project, a new time scale will be set, where the start of the project will be the year you specified in the general settings.

Setting the "time" scale

1. Year of planning start

Period detailed (monthly) budget planning – not more than 3 years, at the same time, the planning period of investment performance, taking into account projected cash flows up to 15 years (see "forecast cash flow"). 

Planning periods the three-year plans displays a timeline that includes years, quarters and months. In the main menu you can select the scale of the performance periods: "Settings → Reflection periods → By years /quarters / months". 

The installation of a new planning period (year start project) is performed in two stages:

  1. In settings , you need to set the year : " Main menu → Settings → General settings → General data → Year (eg 2017) ";
  2. After setting the year, you need to perform the editing procedure for the "time" scale: " Main menu → Data → Set a new billing period ".

If you try to execute the procedure for editing the time scale without changing the year, the program will report an error.

Budget-Plan Express is a software product for preparing business plans and presentations in Word and Excel format, optimal for small businesses and studies (for students, graduate students, MBI students, etc.)

Use two interface languages - Russian and English, as well as “transliteration” to translate your business plan into any language! Details ...

Editing the contents of the "time" scale

The time scale includes 36 major periods (months) and two additional period is "Last period" and "the Future" as well as "final" periods ("total", "Year", "Quarter").

You can edit the content of the "time" scale on the "Translit" page, where you have three options for language translation (Russian, English, "User" language).

Fragment of the page "Translit", the names of the periods:

Fragment of the page Translit, the names of the periods

Example of displaying the "time" scale in Russian and English:

Example of reflection time scale in Russian

Example of displaying the time scale in Russian and English

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