The best software product for preparing business plans in Word and Excel format
Strategic-Line Harmony of planning in your business

Standard interfaces. Assign hot keys

List of assigned hotkeys

Budget-Plan Express is a software product for preparing business plans and presentations in Word and Excel format, optimal for small businesses and studies (for students, graduate students, MBI students, etc.)

Build a financial model of your project or calculate loan financing on different terms! Try the new version of the program (6.02). Details ...

Assigning hotkeys that are called from the program tables:

Key Designation Additional information
Ctrl+C Copy Copy to clipboard
Ctrl+V Insert From the clipboard or from an array
Ctrl+S Save Project File
Ctrl+Shift+S Save a backup Save a backup copy of the project file in the folder "backup"
Ctrl+P Print Call print dialog
F9 Calculate Calling the form calculate
F2 Add entry Only in tables "Directories", and "Production plan"
Del Delete record / delete value Delete record ("Directories", "Production plan") / "delete" - value is equal to zero.
You cannot delete locked data

Ctrl+A The Selection of coordinates Turn on/off the effect of "backlight"
Alt+Up (up arrow) Arrow "At the beginning" Go to first page
Alt+Left (arrow left) Arrow Back Go to previous page
Alt+Right (right arrow) Arrow "Forward" Go to next page
Alt+Down (down arrow) Arrow "In the end" Go to last page
Alt+(tooltip) List of names of pages Select a page from the list that you want to move
Alt+Left (arrow left) Arrow "Return" In the graph view mode. Return to the page on which the selected range to plot
Alt+F4 Output Quit the program
F1 Help Call context reference

☛ Please note, some earlier versions of Excel (e.g. 2007) the quick access toolbar may not display the navigation icons, in this case, use the hotkey or menu item of "Content of tables".

When you download Budget-Plan Express creates a separate instance of Excel to be used as a container for the data plans, and reports. At the same time, all of the standard keybindings are disabled. When you inactivate instance of Excel, the previous settings of hotkeys restored.

Hotkey assignment in forms editing data:

Key Designation Additional information
Ctrl+C Copy Copy to clipboard
Ctrl+V Insert From the clipboard or from an array
Alt+R Call Menu "Edit" (not all forms)
F1 Help Call context reference
F2 Add entry (menu item) Execute a menu item (not in all forms)
F3 Delete record (menu item) Execute a menu item (not in all forms)
F5 Save entry (menu item) Execute a menu item (not in all forms)
Usually, the menu is called by click mouse

Hands Move the slider (the slider) Not in all forms
Ins (1) Insert a record in the table Not in all forms
Del Delete record from the table Not in all forms
Ins (2) Calculate and add VAT Edit asset

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