The best software product for preparing business plans in Word and Excel format
Strategic-Line Harmony of planning in your business

Main menu. Reports

The main menu items "Reports"

The "Reports" menu (ribbon interface, Office 2007-2019):

Budget-Plan Express toolbar. Menu Reports - ribbon interface, Office 2007-2019

Group Function Content Hotkeys
5. Вкладка/заголовок Reports
Создать отчеты (Create reports) Создать отчет в Word (Create a report in Word) Calling the form of preparing a report in MS Word, creating a report in MS Word with conversion to the specified currency -
- Экспорт в Excel (Export to Excel):
1. Export current sheet
2. Detailed reports
3. A list of plans
Export the current worksheet (or selected plans from the list) in Excel -
Graphics (Charts) Линия (Line) Construct a graph of "Line". For a call graph, select a range of values (at least one column) -
- Гистограмма (Histogram) Construct a graph of "Histogram". For a call graph, select a range of values (at least one column or row) -
- Круг (Pie) Construct a graph of "Pie". For a call graph, select a range of values (at least one line) -

Budget-Plan Express is a software product for preparing business plans and presentations in Word and Excel format, optimal for small businesses and studies (for students, graduate students, MBI students, etc.)

Create your projects and calculate risks (PB, DPB, NPV, PI, IRR, MIRR, etc.) - all calculations are “at hand”! Try the new version of the program (6.02). Details ...

The "Reports" menu (old interface, Office 2003):

Budget-Plan Express toolbar. Menu Reports - standard interface, Office 2003

Menu items:
  1. "Creation of report in Word..." call forms of condition settings of the report in Word

  2. «Export to Excel" in the submenu contains the following items:
    • 1. List...
      2. Detailed reports
      3. Export current sheet

    The "List of plans" item brings up a form in which you can select the plans that you plan to export. A single Excel file is created, into which the selected plans are exported.
  3. «Construct a diagram» - select chart type:
    • 1. Graphics
      2. Histogram
      3. Pie

    To complete the procedure, you need to first select range (with the values of the table), then choose "chart type".

    The procedure is not performed for the graph line, if the selected range is 1 column, and graph the circle, if the selected range is 1 line.

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